Abandoned Dog Left Tied in Front of Shelter

Update: Here is the story from ABC 15 news. There is an article and a video.


As some of you may have seen recently on our Facebook page, someone left this sweet, beautiful boy tied up in front of the shelter in 111°-degree heat.

He chewed through the leash to go stand in the little shade that he could find. He has burns on his paws. He has no chip and no name. He was just left there, without food, water, or shade. And he’s such a good dog; he’s potty trained and likes other dogs, cats, children… everyone.

If you have to surrender your pet, please, PLEASE contact us. Thankfully, we found him, but this story could have ended very badly.

A couple of Valley news stations are covering this event. We will update this post with information and/or videos, as they become available.

As a reminder, please watch out for your furry friends in this summertime heat.

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